Sothis Temple of Sacred Oils and Sacred Sound

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Private ceremony in the Philae Temple of Isis A MEMOIR.

Private ceremony in the Philae Temple of Isis


A sudden huge heart expansion awakened me from my sleep. Like an explosion my heart has filled the space of the room and beyond. Isis was calling, my heart activated in preparation for what had to come.

Before dawn, under a starry sky, a solemn procession of white clothed women, like the priestesses of old, chanting invocations and shaking their sistrums, approaches the temple’s entrance between the stone lions of yesterday and tomorrow; we are the present in this eternal moment.

Each forward movement a thoughtful step, as our foot touches the ancient stones walked by many women before us. The darkness swallows us into its depth, enveloping us with the silence of the empty temple at night. Our breaths one, contracting and expanding in unison with the living ancient stone of the temple where Auset dwells, ḥwt-nṯr, the house of the living goddess.

Purified by the sacred water of the Nile, we enter the sanctum, where the statue of the goddess was once residing and brought alive by the daily rituals. The sacred anointing ceremony begins, connecting us deeper with our higher self and with Her, her Love and her alchemy. To anoint is to make sacred, holy, to receive Spirit and to elevate us to our purest divine essence. We are sovereign, and stand tall in our power as human divine creatrix beings as we are ready to receive Isis and embody the goddess as her expressions on earth.

Her majestic etherial wings embracing me and holding space for us.

“I play these crystalline frequencies for your Ka oh great divine goddess of ten thousand names.”

The crystal bowls song resonating through the temple space, the walls saturated with their frequencies, the inspired words of Sophia and the meditative silence of the sisters gathered around the stone altar in the adytum, the holy of holies. The presences of the figures carved on the walls becoming alive. I hear echoes of ancient chants.

“Isis, great Auset, this is for you, I offer these sacred sounds from my heart to yours, for your Ka, so that your essence and the divinity of your being can impregnate every cell of our body and radiate from our heart. We invoke your presence and receive your Love. My heart is open and filling with the sweetest nectar, the bliss of being divine, the groundedness of knowing, the ecstasy of expansion. I am Isis and Isis is in me. I am Isis and Isis is me. Merging as I re-member all parts of myself, rising from the dust into the golden heart of creation. In this moment I know who I Am. I offer my wonder, my body and my service, may you talk through me, walk through me, act through me as I offer myself to you. Divine Mother, I AM.”

To time travel re-living those moments, bringing my consciousness back to that experience, fully present on the feeling of my memory. That feeling and the energy it creates is the key my power tool to recreate and evoke that experience, and from that space travel out of the ordinary lifted by my divinity into eternity. Surrendered into the arms of my Soul, into the arms of all that is, she of ten thousand names.

Sacred Oil for the anointing was ISIS Love Alchemy

So much gratitude to Katy Sophia Ascension Astrology ( for making this happen and inviting me to offer these gifts.

From Katy:

“Veronica Nilah It was so beautiful to be there together. A soul appointment from another time, another life. I feel the stone walls and hallowed spaces embracing us still, and the starlight, and the waters, and the knowing of sisters. Thank you for your beautiful presence Sistar, the exquisite crystallline tones, and most sacred revered anointing essences from your soul”.