Your Signature Sacred Oil
Sacred Oils are master teachers and healers of the light body and grant healing powers to the deepest levels of our Soul, to our physical/emotional body and our consciousness as a whole. As the Sacred Oils have their manifold therapeutic properties, they also have their spiritual attributes, healing energies and sacred quality, and have been used for guidance, healing, rituals, celebrations and divination by ancient civilizations and many cultures until today.
Through their teachings we aspire to self-knowledge, esoteric knowledge, connection with Divine Consciousness and the understanding of Cosmic Truth.
The work with the sacred oils is carried out in the spirit of profound contemplation, learning through self-discovery, direct revelation and ancient knowledge. The teachings require the basic foundations of integrity, pure intention and clean heart, egoless approach, deep respect, reverence and devotion. To work with the oils is to devote and commit to be in service, with love and compassion. Great responsibility is required as the oils are an ally, guide and teacher but will not be a substitute for your own decision-making nor they will be used as an excuse to justify your actions or an external solution to rely on. Sacred work is done in respect and service for the highest good of all. And with that comes the responsibility to speak the truth as it is, not as you would wish it to be.
Your own Bespoke/Signature Sacred Oil
I offer Individualized Sacred Oils based on your particular Soul Essence and life journey. Please contact me to book a phone/online consultation, or book your oil here.
Your Signature Sacred Oil will be channeled from the Spirit of the Sacred Oils and their Plant Consciousness and will be prepared after your consultation with intuitive guidance. A Consacration Ritual will finally bless and activate your oil.
During our call I will listen to your needs and intentions if any. You will have the opportunity to share what is going on for you, how you are feeling and where you are at or where you want to be. You will have the time to share in a safe and confidential space.
Twenty minutes and 40 minutes are available. The 40 minutes will just allow more time for this process.