Lion's Gate Portal and The Rise of Sothis


We are traveling through the Lion’s Gate Portal with the Heliacal Rising of the Star Sirius/Sothis, the brightest star in our galaxy, after its journey underworld for 70 days.

In ancient Egypt the Sirius’s Heliacal rising was on July 19th, a date marking the new year, when Sirius reappeared on the eastern horizon after a 70-day absence, announcing renewal and fertility. Twice as massive as the Sun, 25 times more luminous than the Sun, and shining of its intrinsic luminosity, Sirius is moving closer to the Solar System. Its annual Heliacal Rising (mid-June to mid-August depending on location) is of 365.25 days, of a constant regularity relative to the Solar year. coinciding with the annual flooding of the Nile River delta in ancient times and marking the New Year.  This precision was of extreme importance for the ancient Egyptians who could rely on its emergence as a warning that the flooding was coming.

The brightest star in the night sky, Sothis was venerated since the earliest known times, for her importance and symbolic significance. Sothis, known today as Sirius, was of crucial importance for the ancient Egyptians as its rising in the east sky on the first day of the new year, heralded the advent of the annual inundation of the Nile.

The highly knowledgeable ancient Egyptians believed that Sothis was responsible for the Nile floods and worshipped it as the goddess Sopdet who granted fertility to the land. Depicted as a Goddess with the 5-pointed star as her crown, Sopdet/Sirius is a personification of Isis. Isis says of herself: “I am she that riseth in the Dog Star”.

Sirius, the Star of Isis, is known as our “Spiritual Sun”. Sothis/Isis rises up in the sky, following the cosmic counterpart of her husband Osiris as the constellation of Orion, after disappearing in the Underworld for seventy days, the number of days for the funerary rites in ancient Egypt. This astrological phenomenon illustrates the ancient myth of Osiris’s journey in the Underworld, as his wife Isis searches for his lost body. Culminating in the final glorious resurrection of Osiris from the dead when Isis fulfils her mission, the Orion constellation appears to the view followed by his devoted wife Isis as the brightest star Sirius. Being the stellar manifestation of Isis, the Great Mother of the Earth, Sothis, the Queen of the Sky, is a pure channel for divine love and wisdom coming forth to support our awakening and realignment with your Soul Destiny.

Sothis is the Greek name for the star called Sopdet (Spdt) by the ancient Egyptians, known today as Sirius or Dog Star reflecting its prominence in its constellation Canis Major (The Greater Dog).


The space and time between the Heliacal Rise of Sirius and the rising of the Sun shortly thereafter, opens the floodgates of Sirian spiritual essence, flooding Earth with unifying energies, light and sound frequencies for the uniting of our spiritual & physical selves, pouring her compassionate wisdom upon all beings. It is believed that Sirius will transmit these powerful codes through the technology at Giza, then reverberating through the Earth's telluric crystalline grid. This benevolent Sirian Light will be received by and amplified through the pyramids activating our human energy field and DNA. These guiding frequency codes assist humanity in elevating to a greater understanding of our own soul’s purpose and the reasons we are here on Earth at this time, inspiring us to step into our higher selves and offer our own unique gifts back to the world in sacred service to Gaia.

Message from Sothis

” If you find yourself having an Underworld experience, you can be sure that you will rise once again when the time is right and the cycle is completed. Instead of despairing, you have the opportunity to express your gratitude for all that you have learned on your journey. Be as Sothis a generous light in the darkness.

As Sothis showers her gifts upon our planet, open to receive her bounty. At the same time, realize that you have equally abundant gifts to share with others.”

~ by Nicki Scully and Linda Star Wolf





Veronica Nilah Massa

Sacred Anointing Oils & Temple Incense - Sacred Sound & Ceremonies - Sacred Art

Private ceremony in the Philae Temple of Isis A MEMOIR.


Honouring the invisible, growing into illumination