Healing & 1-1 Ceremonies

1-1 Sound Healing & Holistic Healing

Ceremonies: - First Moon - Ceremonies of Closure & Beginning - Sacred Oils Initiations

Private Sound Healing Baths for:

  • couples

  • parents & children

  • small groups

  • work place

1-1 Healing Sessions

A 1-1 Healing session focuses on your specific intention. A clear intention determines the potency of the healing so we can work together on the quantum level. 

According to specific needs, a healing session can include;

  • Sound Healing

  • Intuitive & Spiritual Guidance

  • Sacred Oils & Plant Spirit Healing

  • Alchemical, Sekhem & Energy Healing, Shamanic Work

  • Traditional Oriental Medicine and Facial Reflex Therapy.

The therapeutic benefits and transformative power of energy healing vibrations and channeled Sound frequencies will facilitate the healing process on the physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual levels and restore your all being into its healthy resonance.

PRICE in person varies starting at £130 to £150 for 90mins session, £170 to £190 for 2hrs session. FOLLOW UP £90 for 75mins session or £130 for 90 mins.

1-2-1 sessions are available in Clapham South, London.


  • Private and 1-1 Cacao Ceremonies and Blue Lotus Ceremonies

  • Online Sacred Oils Consultation: Your signature Sacred Oil

  • Sound Healing and Facial Reflex Therapy

  • Private and 1-1 Sacred Oils Initiations (also online)

  • Rite of Passage & Private Ceremonies: First Moon (Menarche) - Ceremonies of Closure & Beginning (these can include Plant Medicine such as Cacao, Blue Lotus and Sacred Oils)


Read Veronica’s article The Healing Potential of a Therapeutic combo: Sound Healing and Facial Reflex Therapy

How do I offer Healing?

I am a multidisciplinary intuitive healer and holistic therapist. In my healing sessions you can experience a combination of the knowledge and expertise I have accumulated in 17 years of professional practice, including Sound Healing, Traditional Oriental Medicine and Five Elements Aromatherapy, Clinical Aromatherapy, Facial Reflex Therapies, Herbal Medicine, Plant Spirit Healing and Sacred Oils, Alchemical and Sekhem energy healing,  Shamanic practices and Mystery Schools, Psychic development and a compassionate heart-centered approach.

Alchemical transformations take place when we become actively involved in our healing process, sharpening our self-awareness, journey within and face our shadows, clear or transmute energies and raise our consciousness. When we work with Sekhem energy - the universal Life Force Energy that connects humans to the divine - energy amplifies and our personal will and the divine will become aligned. The literal meaning of Sekhem is “the powers” and it can be felt physically as a channel of energy running through the body, a force field or a presence of light that clears energetic blockages and brings balance to facilitate healing. I invite Sacred Oils and plant spirits to assist in the healing, connecting to the Spirit and conscious intelligence of the plant which brings guidance, insights and profound, trasformative soul and heart healing. Like sound, sacred oils attune our vibrational frequencies, restoring it to a state of resonance, and are master healears of the light-body and soul wounds. A sound immersion, with the powerful emission of sound frequencies, bathes you in deep relaxation restoring alignment, synchronizing the brainwaves and facilitating the rehabilitation of your cells to normal vibratory frequency, or to resonance which is your original vibratory frequency.

Read Veronica’s article The Healing Potential of a Therapeutic combo: Sound Healing and Facial Reflex Therapy

“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.”.

— Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine, the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York.

What is Sound Healing and how does it work

The impact of Sound on human cells has been extensively studied since the ’80 but we also know that the ancient Mystery schools held a deep knowledge of sound and vibrational medicine, using sonic energy for healing and to achieve altered states of consciousness.

Everything is frequency and in a state of vibration. All matter vibrates at specific frequencies, including our body, our organs and the cells in our body. We are in optimal health and wellbeing when we have a normal resonant frequency, but if that frequency begins to shift then that part of our body is vibrating out of ease, we say it is dis-eased. This is basically the principle of using sound as a transformational and healing tool, restoring the body back into its healthy resonance to repair damaged tissue and cells and reinstate the harmonious energetic, emotional and mental function.

Sacred Sound frequencies therapeutic benefits and transformative power are felt on physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual levels.

Group Sound Journeys, Sound Baths and Ceremonies

Veronica creates bespoke sessions on a group basis for private clients, events, retreats, workshops and ceremonies including Menarche Ceremonies and Ceremonies of Closure. Veronica offers Sound Healing Journeys and unique multisensory soundscape experiences bringing the healing power of sound, scent and art into ritual and ceremony. In her Sacred Sound Ceremonies, she integrates the ancient Temple Tradition of Sacred Oils and Plant Spirit Healing, connecting to the spirit medicine and soul essence of plants, providing direct communication for inner healing work, self-knowledge, strong intuition and profound alignment.

In a Sound Journey we enter sacred space were I will take you into a state of meditation or guided visualizations set on a specific intention or theme. I will then guide you into a profound and transformative multisensory experience through the use of sacred instruments and sacred oils/resins. In this deeply relaxing and restorative sound bath journeys I will be using gongs, crystal singing bowls, himalayan singing bowls, flutes, chimes, drums, rattle and other instruments chosen for their specific significance.

Small private groups - starting from 2 people, price varies according to number of people

Events, Ceremonies, Private, Corporate, Workshops

  • Private and 1-1 Cacao Ceremonies and Blue Lotus Ceremonies

  • Private and 1-1 Sacred Oils Initiations (also online)

  • Rite of Passage & Private Ceremonies: First Moon (Menarche) - Ceremonies of Closure & Beginning (these can include Plant Medicine such as Cacao, Blue Lotus and Sacred Oils)

Contact me for details and bookings