Sacred Sound Journeys

Plant Spirit Ceremonies

Ceremonies for groups and private

Private Sound Baths for groups and couples

Sound Baths and Gong Baths events

Veronica offers unique multisensory soundscape experiences bringing the healing power of sound, scent and art into ritual and ceremony. In her Sacred Sound Ceremonies, she integrates the ancient Temple Tradition of Sacred Oils and Plant Spirit Healing, connecting to the spirit medicine and soul essence of plants, providing direct communication for inner healing work, self-knowledge, strong intuition and profound alignment.

Veronica is a multidisciplinary therapist and intuitive healer with 17 years of professional experience, combining elements of Sound Healing, Plant Medicine, Alchemical and Sekhem Energy Healing, Clinical Aromatics and Traditional Oriental Medicine in her Sound Healing Baths and individual sessions.

Lion's Gate Candle Magic Ritual & Alchemical Sonic Journey to Sirius

Lion's Gate Candle Magic Ritual & Alchemical Sonic Journey to Sirius

Make your own golden beeswax candle for a Magic Ritual with “Isis Heka Magic” Sacred Oil, symbols and hieroglyphs, after receiving transmissions through sound frequencies, Blue Lotus & Gold Vibrational Tincture and Anointing, to craft a clear vision for manifestation in resonance with your Soul and deepest desires.

☀️ 8.8.8 - 8th August 2024 (2+0+2+4=8)

🦁 7.30pm for a 2.5/3 hrs ceremony

🏠 @Sothis Temple Private Ceremony intimate gathering SW4, SPACES LIMITED TO 6

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SUMMER SOLSTICE Sacred Blue Lotus & Gold Ceremony with Sound Journey

SUMMER SOLSTICE Sacred Blue Lotus & Gold Ceremony with Sound Journey

Let’s celebrate the Summer Solstice with a Blue Lotus Ceremonial Sound Journey for Manifestation, receive Inspiration and ignite Intuition.

In this Sacred Plant Spirit & Sound Ceremony I invite you to journey with the Blue Lotus flower (the ancient, venerated Water Lily of the Nile), attune to its vibratory frequency and its spirit essence, as you surrender into deep meditation with Sacred Sound.

Through the alchemy of sacred ceremony, sound frequencies, intention and connection with the plant, we enter an altered state of expanded vision, perception and understanding. The mystical flower of ascension, Sacred Blue Lotus will help you to align yourself to receive spiritual guidance, transformative healing and divine inspiration.

Entering your Inner Temple, accompanied by the sound waves from the gongs, singing bowls, flutes, chimes and other instruments, you’ll travel beyond time and space, to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic consciousness".

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Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Ancient Mayan and Egyptian Sacred Plants Medicine coming together.

Veronica Nilah will create a sacred & safe space where you can feel held within the unfolding of the ceremonial sound journey, allowing you to travel beyond the mundane and explore a consciousness expansion through the portals of your Heart (Cacao) and your Crown (Lotus).

Immersed in the tones from the crystal bowls, harmonics from the flutes, heartbeats from the drum and ripples from the gongs, you will experience the deeply connecting magic of the Cacao Spirit to open your heart and receive the messages of your Soul, and the enlightenment of the Sacred Blue Lotus - the flower of Ascension - to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic awareness".

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New Year - Sacred Blue Lotus & Gold Ceremony for Manifestation - with Shamanic Sound Journey

New Year - Sacred Blue Lotus & Gold Ceremony for Manifestation - with Shamanic Sound Journey

“Dreaming the world into being”.

On “Three Kings’ Night", let’s celebrate the new year with the gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh and an initiation into the mysteries of the Sacred Blue Lotus guided by a Sound Journey for Manifestation, receive Inspiration and ignite Intuition as we anoint and we crown ourself into Sovereignty becoming the Golden Lotus of infinite possibilities.

Through the alchemy of sacred ceremony, sound frequencies, intention and connection with the plant spirit, we enter an altered state of expanded vision, perception and understanding. The mystical flower of ascension, Sacred Blue Lotus and the light frequency of Gold, will help you to align yourself to receive spiritual guidance, transformative healing and divine inspiration.

You will focus on your intention, visions and desires, what you want to create and bring into your life. This is a very special ceremony to dream your world into being, to dream together a new world into existence.

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Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

  • Casita Yoga Battersea at Katherine Low Settlement (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ancient Mayan and Egyptian Sacred Plants Medicine coming together.

Veronica Nilah will create a sacred & safe space where you can feel held within the unfolding of the ceremonial sound journey, allowing you to travel beyond the mundane and explore a consciousness expansion through the portals of your Heart (Cacao) and your Crown (Lotus).

Immersed in the tones from the crystal bowls, harmonics from the flutes, heartbeats from the drum and ripples from the gongs, you will experience the deeply connecting magic of the Cacao Spirit to open your heart and receive the messages of your Soul, and the enlightenment of the Sacred Blue Lotus - the flower of Ascension - to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic awareness".

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Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

  • Casita Yoga Battersea at Katherine Low Settlement (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ancient Mayan and Egyptian Sacred Plants Medicine coming together.

Veronica Nilah will create a sacred & safe space where you can feel held within the unfolding of the ceremonial sound journey, allowing you to travel beyond the mundane and explore a consciousness expansion through the portals of your Heart (Cacao) and your Crown (Lotus).

Immersed in the tones from the crystal bowls, harmonics from the flutes, heartbeats from the drum and ripples from the gongs, you will experience the deeply connecting magic of the Cacao Spirit to open your heart and receive the messages of your Soul, and the enlightenment of the Sacred Blue Lotus - the flower of Ascension - to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic awareness".

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Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

  • Casita Yoga Battersea at Katherine Low Settlement (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ancient Mayan and Egyptian Sacred Plants Medicine coming together.

Veronica Nilah will create a sacred & safe space where you can feel held within the unfolding of the ceremonial sound journey, allowing you to travel beyond the mundane and explore a consciousness expansion through the portals of your Heart (Cacao) and your Crown (Lotus).

Immersed in the tones from the crystal bowls, harmonics from the flutes, heartbeats from the drum and ripples from the gongs, you will experience the deeply connecting magic of the Cacao Spirit to open your heart and receive the messages of your Soul, and the enlightenment of the Sacred Blue Lotus - the flower of Ascension - to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic awareness".

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Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Ancient Mayan and Egyptian Sacred Plants Medicine coming together.

Veronica Nilah will create a sacred & safe space where you can feel held within the unfolding of the ceremonial sound journey, allowing you to travel beyond the mundane and explore a consciousness expansion through the portals of your Heart (Cacao) and your Crown (Lotus).

Immersed in the tones from the crystal bowls, harmonics from the flutes, heartbeats from the drum and ripples from the gongs, you will experience the deeply connecting magic of the Cacao Spirit to open your heart and receive the messages of your Soul, and the enlightenment of the Sacred Blue Lotus - the flower of Ascension - to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic awareness".

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SUMMER SOLSTICE Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

SUMMER SOLSTICE Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Ancient Mayan and Egyptian Sacred Plants Medicine coming together.

Veronica Nilah will create a sacred & safe space where you can feel held within the unfolding of the ceremonial sound journey, allowing you to travel beyond the mundane and explore a consciousness expansion through the portals of your Heart (Cacao) and your Crown (Lotus).

Immersed in the tones from the crystal bowls, harmonics from the flutes, heartbeats from the drum and ripples from the gongs, you will experience the deeply connecting magic of the Cacao Spirit to open your heart and receive the messages of your Soul, and the enlightenment of the Sacred Blue Lotus - the flower of Ascension - to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic awareness".

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Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Ancient Mayan and Egyptian Sacred Plants Medicine coming together.

Veronica Nilah will create a sacred & safe space where you can feel held within the unfolding of the ceremonial sound journey, allowing you to travel beyond the mundane and explore a consciousness expansion through the portals of your Heart (Cacao) and your Crown (Lotus).

Immersed in the tones from the crystal bowls, harmonics from the flutes, heartbeats from the drum and ripples from the gongs, you will experience the deeply connecting magic of the Cacao Spirit to open your heart and receive the messages of your Soul, and the enlightenment of the Sacred Blue Lotus - the flower of Ascension - to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic awareness".

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Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Shamanic Sound Journey

Ancient Mayan and Egyptian Sacred Plants Medicine coming together.

Veronica Nilah will create a sacred & safe space where you can feel held within the unfolding of the ceremonial sound journey, allowing you to travel beyond the mundane and explore a consciousness expansion through the portals of your Heart (Cacao) and your Crown (Lotus).

Immersed in the tones from the crystal bowls, harmonics from the flutes, heartbeats from the drum and ripples from the gongs, you will experience the deeply connecting magic of the Cacao Spirit to open your heart and receive the messages of your Soul, and the enlightenment of the Sacred Blue Lotus - the flower of Ascension - to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic awareness".

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Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremonial Sound Journey

Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremonial Sound Journey

  • Casita Yoga Battersea at Katherine Low Settlement (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ancient Mayan and Egyptian Sacred Plants Medicine coming together.

Veronica Nilah will create a sacred & safe space where you can feel held within the unfolding of the ceremonial sound journey, allowing you to travel beyond the mundane and explore a consciousness expansion through the portals of your Heart (Cacao) and your Crown (Lotus).

Immersed in the tones from the crystal bowls, harmonics from the flutes, heartbeats from the drum and ripples from the gongs, you will experience the deeply connecting magic of the Cacao Spirit to open your heart and receive the messages of your Soul, and the enlightenment of the Sacred Blue Lotus - the Oils of Ascension- to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic awareness".

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Self-Love Cacao & Rose Ceremony with Sound Healing Journey into the Heart

Self-Love Cacao & Rose Ceremony with Sound Healing Journey into the Heart

A heart-centered Sacred Cacao & Rose Ceremony to celebrate yourself, receive Love connecting to Source and heal your sacred heart.

Join me Tuesday 14th of February 7.30-9:30pm at the beautiful Nyanes Studio for a special Self Love SOUND JOURNEY INTO THE HEART 🌹 with the medicines of Sacred Ceremonial Cacao and Rose.

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Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremonial Sound Journey

Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremonial Sound Journey

  • Casita Yoga Battersea at Katherine Low Settlement (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Honoring ancient Mayan and Egyptian Sacred Plants Medicine in a Ceremonial Sound Journey to receive insights, wisdom and healing.

Veronica Nilah will create a sacred & safe space where you can feel held within the unfolding of the ceremonial sound journey, allowing you to travel beyond the mundane and explore a consciousness expansion through the portals of your Heart (Cacao) and your Crown (Lotus).

Immersed in the tones from the crystal bowls, harmonics from the flutes, heartbeats from the drum and ripples from the gongs, you will experience the deeply connecting magic of the Cacao Spirit to open your heart and receive the messages of your Soul, and the enlightenment of the Sacred Blue Lotus - the Oils of Ascension- to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic awareness".

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Ceremonial Sound Journey with Sacred Blue Lotus

Ceremonial Sound Journey with Sacred Blue Lotus

This Ceremonial Initiatory Workshops into the Mystical Temple Tradition of Sacred Oils and Plant Consciousness initiates you into the mysteries of the Sacred Blue Lotus. No prior experience is required for a Sacred Plant Initiation, only to enter with reverence and the intention to develop a relationship with the Plant Spirit.

In this Sacred Plant & Sound Ceremony I invite you to journey with the Blue Lotus flower (the venerated Water Lily of the Nile), attune to its vibratory frequency and its spirit essence, as you surrender into deep meditation.

Through the alchemy of sacred ceremony, sound frequencies, intention and connection with the plant, we enter an altered state of expanded vision, perception and understanding. A facilitator of the mystical experience, Sacred Blue Lotus will help you to align yourself to receive spiritual guidance, transformative healing and divine inspiration.

Entering your Inner Temple, accompanied by the sound waves from the gongs, singing bowls, flutes, chimes and other instruments, you’ll travel beyond time and space, to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic consciousness".

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Winter Solstice Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Sacred Sound Journey

Winter Solstice Cacao & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Sacred Sound Journey

TICKETS: £30 - BOOKINGS: bacs Veronica Massa Sort code: 090129 - Account number: 07875876

Dreaming in the darkness of the Primeval Waters of creation we rise transmuting into the light of Alchemical Gold birthing a new dream.

As the Sun conjunct the Galactic Centre amplifying the energy of the Solstice Gateway, let's gather to dream a new dream, walking the path of the ancients with the powerful medicines of Cacao & Blue Lotus and embrace the darkness, journeying with shamanic and sacred sound, in the longest night of the year. It's from this place of stillness that we can listen... it's in this place of of darkness that we can see the light, bringing with it the promise of new life, the birth of a new dream.

BE PREPARED FOR A TRANFIGURATION RITUAL JOURNEY FROM THE PRIMORDIAL WATERS OF CREATION TRANSMUTING INTO ALCHEMICAL GOLD..... Exploring the ancient mythological creation stories of the Primordial Waters and the Spoken Word of Creation, you will experience the deeply connecting magic of the Cacao Spirit to open your heart and receive the messages of your Soul, and the enlightenment of the Sacred Blue Lotus - the Oil of Ascension- to deepen your communication with inner and "cosmic consciousness".

Drawing from the ancient Mayan & Egyptian wisdom teachings working with the Cacao and Lotus Spirits in healing and ceremony, Veronica Nilah invites you in a sacred & safe space where you can experience consuming this plant medicines with intention and contemplation, to receive insight and healing, connect to your wisdom and knowing, and explore the love consciousness and creative guidance of these heart & mind opening plant spirits as she assists you in your meditation journey with Shamanic & Sacred Sounds.

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