My Journey with the Oils

In devoted service to the Sacred Oils and the Blue Lotus, in reciprocal relationship and for the highest good of all.

I am deeply grateful for the gift and blessings they offered me and it’s a honour to share these gifts with you.


Veronica Nilah in the Temple of Hathor, Dendera Temple Complex in Egypt.


Sailing the magical Nile river in Egypt.


Veronica Nilah with Sekhmet at the Karnak Temple in Egypt.

My Journey

My journey with the Oils and the Egyptian Blue Lotus started back in 2006, when, as a clinical/spiritual and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) aromatherapy student, I discovered the research of Lisa Manniche which, beautifully presented in her book ‘Sacred Luxuries’, fed the powerful and enigmatic connection I have with Egypt since I can remember.

Since then, I have worked clinically with the TCM energetics of the oils, and with the Five Elements theory approach to harmonise the emotions, gaining knowledge and experience on their spiritual healing abilities and exquisite vibrational energies while witnessing life changing healing and the many blessings they brought to me and to my clients. In my training in clinical aromatherapy, I was priviledged to having studied with Gabriel Mojay (author of Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit), Rhiannon Lewis (EORC) and Dr Daniel Penoel (Medical Aromatherapy).


Over the years, in my personal healing and professional work, I found that, often, the use of a single oil, rather than an aromatherapeutic blend, offered a more powerful and profound soul work. That chosen single oil contains within itself an energy signature that directly relates to the energy of a person, and could communicate directly with their soul and their soul wound; that could bring healing to that particular individual’s imbalance and had a specific relevance for that present time. An oil that had an effect on and ability to transmute a person’s vibrational frequency, from the one that caused the dis-ease to the restoration of their original frequency.

The charged energy, vibrational frequency and mystical nature of these Sacred Oils show a different quality than other essential oils, working on a more profound Soul level.

My close relationship with the oils, energy work practices, my innate psychic abilities and my awareness of plant consciousness, led me, to a deeper connection with the Soul Essence of these Oils, receiving knowledge channelled directly from plants spirits which visited me in dreams and meditations, imparting messages, teachings and guidance that go beyond the written knowledge found in books.


Through the medium of Spirit-led/Psychic Art also I have deepened my psychic ability to connect with and channel spirit. Sacred Art is Spirit-led or Spirit inspired and is created through direct revelation, visions, journeys, trance meditation, psychic connection and automatic drawing. As sacred art paintings holds the energy of their transmission and their creation, they will benefit the observer to whom these vibrational frequencies will be channelled. These can be powerful images to meditate upon as they enhance inner work and take connection and work with Spirit to a deeper level.

A decade ago, a psychic drawing in which Joseph of Arimathea linked me to Mary Magdalene, and her legacy in the Cathars history, led me to the age old Myrrhbearers tradition, mentioned in the New Testament and still celebrated today by the Orthodox Church, as the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers. Furthermore, the study of the revolutionary gnostic gosples of Mary Magdalena and Philip, and the lineage of the Myrrhophores, re-awakened the love and connection with her powerful teachings as a highly evolved Mistress of the Sacred Oils and of the ascension process into Cosmic Divine Consciousness.

In 2015, in my search for anything I could find on the subject of ancient oils, holy oils, sacred oils, anointing oils, Felicity Warner came up and I was blessed to have met her and her work with the Sacred Oils in that year. I was thrilled to discover that somebody was talking about Sacred Oils and working with them with the same ancient approach and deepest reverence my initiation with the oils themselves had taught me. This was a huge confirmation for me that my empirical findings with the oils were deeply rooted in ancient knowledge and tradition. I have also discovered the work of Daniel Meurois and the age-old Egyptian/Essenian healing therapies which also include the use of sacred, consacrated oils and I have experienced the powerful energy of this work.


Having researched the Anointing Oils referenced in biblical texts, Egyptian Mysteries and the mystical application of Sacred oils in Temple Rituals, when I visited Egypt in 2018, the vision and the call to create Sothis Sacred Oils, which sparked in 2014, became stronger.

Being in the ancient land of the sacred Nile was a return home and a rebirth. When I entered the temple of Hathor at Dandera old memories of ancient past infiltrated my entire being, I was reminded who I was. It was here, in the ‘seven sacred oils’ room that I have committed to fulfill Sothis Sacred Oil’s vision.  Hathor was calling and I answered the call. Sothis Temple is my answer to that call.

Praises and Gratitude

I am very blessed to having studied with Gabriel Mojay, author of ‘Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit’, whose insightful and poetic writings have been inspirational for my soul. Amongst others, like Malte Hozzel, Robbi Zeck, Valerie Worwood and David Crow, Gabriel's ability to see into the Oil's spirit was a revelation for me that have initiated my connection with these extraordinary plant's essences and the incredible world of plant consciousness.

My studies, empirical knowledge and research into Plant Consciousness have been heart opening, eyes opening and ears opening to the infinite possibilities of this connection and exchange with the plant world and the relationship we as humankind share with plants. Not only for our physiological exchange of oxygen with carbon dioxide, but also for the deep connection on the spirit level and the soul level.

I am truly grateful for the remarkable opportunity I have had to study Egyptian Shamanic Mysteries and Alchemical Healing with Nicki Scully and Normandi Ellis; Shamanism, Psychic Development, Spirit Inspired / Psychic Art, Sacred Art with Sandra Ingerman, The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (Michael Harner’s work), Imelda Alchemist and June Elleni Lane; Sacred Cacao Medicine of the Maya with Urtema Dolphin and ongoing studies of Mayan Winsdom. Women Mysteries and spiritual development with ongoing mentor Dr. Christine Page.

I am extremely blessed to have had the honour to paint the cover for the book by Zahra Indigo Ronlov “The Gifts of Ma’at” as Ma’at is the fundation for all my work and life.

I am also deeply grateful for my life long training in Visual Art and to the wonderful art teachers I had in my years at the Academy of Fine Art… and beyond in this life and before.

I give thanks to all the Guides, the Ancestors and Spirits, in their physical and many forms, that acompany me in this life’s jurney. I give thanks to my husband and my daughters that teach me so much everyday.