Sacred Oil’s Soul Essence
The Temple
Enter the Sacred Oil’s Mysteries
The information given about each Sacred Oil’s individual teaching is just a glimpse, in depth teachings and transmissions are given in the Initiatory Ceremonies. You are invited to study the knowledge here so that you can co-create your relationship with the oils and open yourself to receive their wisdom, teachings, guidance and healing. Blessed be.
Enter the Sacred Oil’s Mysteries
An Offering to the Sacred Oils
Sacred ones, with reverence and respect I approach your Spirit.
Listening I percieve, feeling I connect as I drop deep into my body and the body of Grandmother Earth. Blessed by your holy presence, I commune with your enlightened consciousness, making space for your essence to flow though.
Guidance is shown to those who’s inner eyes would see and open heart would receive your omens and your Dreams.
In humbleness and gratitude I offer heartfelt praises to the Plant Kingdom, I honor your intelligence, I celebrate your transmutation ability and healing gifts.
Shifting my vibrational frequency, my true nature is revealed as I become aware of my state of energy. And so I can grow, elevate in consciousness, expand in power and rise in peace.
My body is your body, my consciousness is your consciousness as I experience this quantum interaction.
May the meditation of my heart and my pure intention be acceptable to you and my work be welcomed as an offering of honoring, celebration and connection, as a bridge between Divine Great Mother Earth and the Great Spirit of the Cosmos.
I humble myself to you great guides and teachers, spiritual Masters of Wisdom.
May you work through me and I work through you in a communion of spiritual form, with willingness to meet and merge with your soul essence so that I can embody the true essence of myself and walk Life as a Sacred Offering on the Path of Beauty.
Painting at the top: Ma’at, by Veronica Massa
An Offering To You
May this work serve the highest good of all.
May its authentic core be approached with the deepest respect due to it.
May this work inspire and guide you to remember who you are and walk your path in the truth of your heart.
May this work deepen your awareness and connection to the plant kingdom, to develop a relationship of honor and respect for all beings and for a co-creation of life on earth.
May the Sacred oils rekindle in you the spark of life that brought you to earth.
Let the Spirit Essence of the oils in and merge with the essence of your soul in balance, truth and reciprocity.