SACRED (Shamanic) ART is Spirit-led or Spirit inspired and is created through direct revelation and communication in co-creation with spirit.

Sacred art holds the energy of its creation and can be powerful to meditate on and to create a sacred space. These mystic images hold a spiritual presence, can be powerful and healing, and are said to exude mystery and wonder.

SACRED ART (Shamanic, automatic or psychic art) is Spirit-led or spirit inspired and is created through direct revelation, visions, journeys, dreams, meditation, channelling, psychic/automatic drawing.
The images that are revealed in this process hold the energy which created them and with which they were created as a channel or empty vessel for spirit. They will benefit the observer to whom their vibrational frequency will be transmitted, emanating the energy of their essence.

Some people meditate upon such images as they enhance connection with Spirit and inner work but their presence alone is sufficient to bring the sacred into your space and your live.

Paintings and text Copyright ©️Veronica Nilah Massa

Veronica’s Sacred Art is spirit-led, focused on the relationship between the human and the world of spirit. Embodied in her paintings is the living essence of the subject she brings through. Based in London, UK.