Gateway to the Heart
“To those who let me in, I offer the experiencing of Eternal Love.
I awake the mystical heart, restoring the love for life.
I am the embrace of the Great Mother, reinstating the sense of belonging
I open, heal and renew yor heart, I unify matter with the etheric.
I am the high Mistress of self-Love
My call is for you to return to your heart, so you can be whole again.”
Working with Rose Sacred Oil
Rose oil makes a powerful anointing oil for the energetic heart centre. Apply over the heart area to connect with the emotions and for bringing healing. Call down blessings from the Mother Goddess as you work with this oil, give thanks and offer a gift or a blessing.
As you work with it daily, call to the spirit of Rose to bless you, repair your heart and teach you about self-love.
Develop an ongoing relationship with Rose Sacred Oil.
Rose Spirit Medicine
Gateway to the Heart
Owning a highly “spiritual” energy and exuding the most sublime of scents, Rose oil has the highest frequency on the level of the electro-magnetic field, able to touch the strings of the Soul.
Pacifying and calming for mind and heart, Rose instils a sense of wellbeing
As a sublime compassionate Spiritual Healer, Rose has a profound connection with the heart. Capable of repairing even the deepest hearthbreaks (emotional wounds) that can manifest themselves in the physical body, Rose re-establishes not only the values of trust, hope and universal love but also teaches the very core of self-love which has been forgotten or never experienced.
Thanks to its high vibrational frequency Rose re-establishes the broken relationship between heart and body (which allows space for illness to take place), restoring the heart magnetic field and initiating a spiritual renaissance.
The heart/mind relationship is also harmonized with conscious direction, Rose assists the heart energy to express into its full potential so that its frequency can be raised into its expansive light form. In so doing heart/mind wisdom can be experienced.
As well as having the ability to heal the heart, Rose has also an affinity with a “woman’s second heart”: the womb, not only with the physical healing that it gifts to women, but also on an energetic level, helping to empty and replenish our precious vessel which stores memories imprints and sometimes energetic debris.
For those who carry within themselves the sense of not belonging, Rose Sacred Oil offers the gift of feeling at home on Mother Earth. Embodying the Mother Archetype, Rose energy is nurturing, comforting, calming, reassuring and ultimately loving. The stream of Rose energy flows also for those who have lost the ability to love and be loved and consequently would benefit from the floral sensuality of the “Queen of Flowers”. Sacred to the goddess of love, beauty and fertility, Aphrodite, this goddess very well represents the aphrodisiac qualities of Rose and the rediscovery of love for life.
Rose facilitates the acknowledgement of the sacred feminine principles in us and reconnects us with the Mother Goddess so that we can embody her qualities, transform anything that keeps us separated from ourselves and reawakens our healing power.
Like Isis, Rose fully embodies the divine feminine on earth, archetypal representation of the Great Mother, and she is associated to Venus, goddess of eternal love.
Rose speaks:
“To those who let me in, I offer the experiencing of Eternal Love.
I awake the mystical heart, restoring the love for life.
I am the embrace of the Great Mother, reinstating the sense of belonging
I open, heal and renew yor heart, I unify matter with subtle.
I am the high Mistress of self-Love
My call is for you to return to your heart, so you can be whole again.”
A tribute to Rose
Green for the fourth,
Caterpillars in love,
Heart in the centre,
Wake up the senses.
Feeding from green,
smelling I take in
nurturing message
designed to go within.
I ‘ll never forget that scented breath,
When my heart opened
With loving outlet.
Crystalized molecules made out of love
Reach deep inside
Into my dark side.
Mirror for sorrow,
Yesterday and tomorrow
But now I give thanks
And from nature I borrow.
Allowing I feel,
Experience emotions
Energy in motion
Through me in commotion.
Don’t judge, just feel
Without been given the time to think
My body is filling with scents of spring
My blood, my brain, my heart and womb,
My eyes with tears, my nose in bloom.
You are there for me,
I am here for you
For every woman,
In sisterhood.
You hold me tight,
You heal my womb
And all it carries from ancient times.
“Bring women together” I was once told,
And with your help,
We can achieve
The divine plan for womanhood.
Keep your hearts clean,
Empty your wombs,
And then re-seed with every moon.
Learn the old ways,
Embrace the grace,
That’s what Rose teaches:
The Beauty ways.
Follow her sent,
Travel within.
You’ll find yourself
Deep in the Earth
Move to her beat
Her heart and yours,
Dance in the journey
Towards expansion
But please be humble.
Feminine principles
Are your train ticket
Nurturing, Softness
Kindness and Strength.
It’s a heart journey
Loving yourself,
Go deep inside,
Enjoy the ride!