Join me Saturday 15th of February 18:00-20:00pm for a special Self Love SOUND Healing JOURNEY INTO THE HEART 🌹 with the medicines of Sacred Ceremonial Cacao and Rose.
The energy of the ceremony will be peaceful, caring and compassionate with intimate sharing, self celebration and journeying within our inner sanctuary where we will find the essence of our healing.
TICKETS: £35 - BOOKINGS: bacs Veronica Massa Sort code: 090129 - Account number: 07875876
Bottled water
Equipment and mats are provided, however we encourage students to bring their own mats if they have them.
Optional: something to cover your eyes, darkness facilitates inner vision
Wear warm, comfortable clothes
Ethelburga’s amazing large octagonal hall is located just behind Albert Bridge Road.
If putting the address into google maps, please don’t put in the postcode, just 60 Worfield Street (otherwise you’ll end up in the middle of Ethleburga estate). The hall is to the right of the nursery.
The evening will be a multisensory experience starting with a meditative connection with your breath, heart and with Rose. A sharing circle will allow for everybody's voice to be heard. We will experience the loving beauty of Rose Sacred Oil as we anoint ourselves and commune with the Spirit of Rose in preparation for consuming our sacred drink of Cacao and Rose Essential Water. You will be invited to quietly tune into yourself and set an intention which will be imbued in your drink before you consume it with deep reverence.
Veronica will encourage you to pay attention to what is happening for you and remain present while you will be journeying with Sacred Sound. Resting on your mat you will be immersed in a sound bath with the gongs, including the beautiful loving divine femininine energy of the VENUS gong, crystal singing bowls, flutes and many other instruments.
Re-emerging from the sound journey we will collectively acknowledge the medicine of our shared experience and close the circle with a giving of thanks and a grounding of energies.
Be prepared to bring to the altar a symbolic item which celebrates yourself just for who you are, that part of you that is most hidden to the external world and often not aknowledged. (you will then take your blessed item home with you). In the Silence of our heart we don’t need external approval. It’s here in this Stillness that all the answers that your heart seeks can be found, your Inner Knowing.
Celebration is that precious stage of any accomplishment that sometimes we, especially women, forget to honour and so here is our time!
IN CEREMONY WITH IX KAKAW, the Spirit of Sacred Cacao Plant Medicine
With reverence to the ancient Mayan & Aztec wisdom and tradition, honoring the sacredness of the Cacao Spirit, Veronica Nilah invites you in a ceremonial circle where you can experience consuming this plant medicine with intention and in deep inner contemplation. Be open to receive insight and healing, connect to your wisdom and knowing, and explore the love consciousness and creative guidance of this heart-opening plant spirit as she assists you in your meditation journey with Shamanic & Sacred Sound.
Emanating a voluptuous sensual scent, Rose, like Isis and Venus, is the manifestation of love and fully embodies the Divine Feminine on Earth.
🌹Working with Rose Sacred Oil
Rose oil makes a powerful anointing oil for the energetic heart centre. Apply over the heart area to connect with the emotions and for bringing healing. Call down blessings from the Mother Goddess as you work with this oil, give thanks and offer a gift or a blessing. As you work with it daily, call to the spirit of Rose to bless you, repair your heart and teach you about self-love. Develop an ongoing relationship with Rose Spirit.
To learn about Rose Sacred Oil
The Venus gong resonates at the approximate musical note of A, associated with our 3rd Eye Chakra (or 1st Eye) inspiring creativity and invoking the spirit of feminine energy. Planetary gongs are made using the calculations of Hans Cousto (The Cosmic Octave) to match the frequencies of the sun, moon, and planets; each gong is tuned to produce the corresponding frequency.Venus/Isis is the embodiment of Divine Love and the Divine Feminine principles.
When we are bathed in a sound bath with the atmospheric and soothing Venus gong, we are compelled to drop our protective armor and surrender in the arms of the Great Mother.
"Her energy is resonant with joy, harmony, beauty, love and compassion. The frequencies of this beautiful gong put us in a state of acceptance, surrender and letting go, to just allow the flow of divine plan & timing to unfold effortlessly.In this state of being we can rediscover the pleasure in simplicity and the beauty of life, generating the vibration of gratitude and appreciation. A gong inspiring creative energy and connection, taking us to our divinity within and to our place in the web of life."
💙🙏🏽💙 With much gratitude, I invite you to join me in this Sound Healing Journey with Rose, Cacao and Venus... 🌹Veronica Nilah
Veronica offers unique multisensory soundscape experiences bringing the healing power of sound, scent and art into ritual and ceremony. In her Sacred Sound Ceremonies, she integrates the ancient Temple Tradition of Sacred Oils and Plant Spirit Healing, connecting to the spirit medicine and soul essence of plants, providing direct communication for inner healing work, self-knowledge, strong intuition and profound alignment.
Veronica is a visionary artist Spirit inspired working with the Egyptian Shamanic Mysteries, and a multidisciplinary intuitive healer combining elements of Alchemical and Sekhem energy healing, Shamanism, Aromatic and Reflex Oriental Medicine in her Sound Healing Baths and individual sessions.
She is the creatrix of Sothis Sacred Oils and founder of Sothis Temple where Sacred Art, Sacred Scents and Sacred Sounds meet in unison to expand consciousness and nourish the soul, to nurture healing and spiritual growth.
L earn more about Veronica Nilah