Sacred Frankincense
Evocative of ceremonial rituals from the land of the Pharaohs, spiritual and holy, Frankincense fills your space with the mystical scents of an ancient temple, bringing the sacred from the distant past into your daily life.
Sacred smoke was offered to the gods and goddesses in ancient Egypt temple rituals.
Painting: Hathor and the sistrum by Veronica Massa. The smoke is not painted but real incense burning which gives the painting a smoky appearance.
Royal Green Hojari Sacra
The finest quality Frankincense in the world, Hojari Sacra (Boswellia sacra) is an ancient species of frankincense trees, regarded as the quintessential, the more precious and more spiritually significant than any other Frankincense. Boswellia sacra exclusively grows in the southern Dhofar region in the Sultanate of Oman, an area that has seen the trading of this valuable resin with the great civilazations of the distant past.
The history of the precious Omani resin of Boswellia sacra, can be traced back through ancient texts. It is said that this Frankincense (considered as valuable as gold) was the variety gifted by the Magi from the East.
Revered by the ancient Egyptians, incense was central to the worship of the deities of the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon and large quantities of Frankincense and Myrrh were burned every day in temples throughout Egypt. Olibanum,“the substance being conducive to a divine state” is documented in many hieroglyphic texts and it was listed as one of the seven sacred oils in temple rituals. Believed to help the soul of the decieved to find its way to the spiritual world, it was also found in the tomb of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun.
The sacred nature of Green Hojari makes it intrinsic to spiritual work. The scent exuded by the Hojari resin is opulent and mystical, carrying the mystery of sacred ancient temples within its essence.
Hojari frankincense resonate at a high vibrational frequency, and yet it grounds you deeply on Earth while connecting you to the Divine. It provides spiritual protection, purification and energetic transmutation, dissolving the illusion of separation between the physical and spiritual realms. Royal Hojari tears, large and of a green crystalline appearance, burn slowly releasing a smoke of extraordinarily uplifting sweetness. Centering and uplifting, it enhances focus, allertness and clarity.
The high esteem Frankincense is held in is attributed not only to its spiritual value but also to its therapeutic benefits. Medical research and clinical studies have recognized the benefits of Hojari Sacra resin and essential oil in the treatment of cancer and other medical conditions. Frankincense has been a vital part of the Omani culture for millennia, traditionally believed to “bring good health” and used as a remedy for a wide range of complaints.
Frankincense is one of the most revered and powerful sacred scents.
Boswellia Sacra
The aromatic resin of Hojari Frankincense is tapped from trees of the genus Boswellia sacra. To obtain the resin the bark of the tree is scraped to allow the teardrop sap to ooze out and harden under the sun. Once harvested, the resin may be used in its dried form or distilled to yield a powerfully healing essential oils.
How to use Hojari Resin
To release its scent the frankincense is either burned on a electric incense burner or smoldered over hot coals. The bamboo coals provide a natural alternative to standard commercial charcoal which contains saltpeter and interferes with the scent and therapeutic benefits of the frankincense.
Place the coal inside a censer or a small ceramic bowl, or anything that can tolerate heat. Once the caol is completely ligh up and white with ash, place a piece of resin on top of it. Just a small tear of resin will produce enough scented smoke that will linger for hours. More resin can be added if needed.
Burning Frankincense is an effective solution to keep mosquitoes and other flying insects away.
The beneficial volatile oils of Frankincense can be inhaled, by steaming the resin in hot water, to clear the nasal passages, loose clogged sinuses and ease respiratory congestion. For this method it is best to grind up the resin. You will then pour boiling water into a large bowl and sprinkle the resin into the water. Lean over the bowl with a towel over your head to keep the steam inside. Relax under the towel in this healing cave of steaming frankincense, focus on your slow and deep breath and allow the vapour to bring clarity to your mind and open up your sinuses for a more efficient breathing.
Pure and ‘Medical Grade‘, Rojal Green Hojari Frankincense is classed top grade for ingestion and health/medical purposes. This information is not only a new discovering from medical research, Muslims have been using this resin internally both as a frankincense water and chewing traditionally for many generations. As the Frankincense gives a gentle alertness and aids concentration, Muslims chew it while studying the Koran. By chewing the resing, the beneficial compounds are released providing a positive effect on your health on many levels.
In many cultures and traditions, Frankincense is believed to have the power to protect, purify and transmute heavy, negative energies.
For cleansing and purification purpuses, the smoke of the burned resin can smudged on yourself, your space or any object you intend to purify. Omanis inundate their hair and clothing with the smoke of Frankincense, exuding its opulent scent for hours.
Some people place frankincense tears inside protective amulets, talismans or sacred bundles, or pass these sacred objects through the smoke of burning frankincense.
How to use Boswellia resin for medical use:
To absorb the beneficial properties of boswellic acid and other compounds, Frankincense can be melted in hot water and ingested as a tea. The hot water will help to release the constituents. A very small tear of resin will be enough for a cup, but you will learn what is best for your taste, you can keep adding hot water until the resin has been pretty much dissolved. The grind up the resin, can be place into a teabag.
Therapeutic benefits of Frankincense resin
Frankincense can be used as a preventative herbal remedy for general optimal health and also to address specific complains or medical conditions. For an holistic approach, complement the Frankincense water with other herbs or natural medicine/therapies, boosting your immune system and supporting your body to heal on the physical, emotional and psycho-spiritual levels of your being. Of course these should not be a substitute to a medical treatment prescribed by a healthcare professional. While working with Frankincense and injesting this sacred resin, be conscious of the spirit of the plant to which you can connect and ask for guidance and support in your healing. Sacred Plant Dieting is well researced and practiced by many indigenous cultures and herbal medicine practitioners. Frankincense water can be consumed during the day as you would with your normal daily water. If you are addressing a specific health issue, be regular and consistent, the water should be drunk regularly as part of your daily self-care routine.
How to Make Frankincense water:
Drop 2 or 3 medium size tears of medical grade Royal Hojari resin in 1.5 litres of purified/mineral water. Allow the water to sit overnight in a cool dry place, you can put it in the fridge. The following morning the mixture is ready. In the morning drink on an empty stomach and consume the rest of the water throughout the day. Once the bottle is empty, you can refill the bottle with more water until resin has been almost completely dissolved. At night prepare an other bottle as above and continue with this cycle allowing your body the time to balance and heal.
Royal Green Hojari Sacra Frankincense resin
Dried resinous sap from Boswellia Sacra tree.
Superior quality, rare grade, Ethical, Sustainable.
Green Hojari Sacra Frankincense resin
The premium quality of all OMANI resins
Medical disclamer
Information on this website is for educational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as medical advice or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional for the treatment of a health problem.
Please always do your own research and make your informed decisions responsibly. Knowlegde is power.