Ancient Temple Traditions

weaving together sacred scent & spiritual transcendence

to awaken your creative power, inner wisdom & intuitive healing




Welcome to Sothis Temple, a multisensory and multidimensional experience where Sacred Scents, Sacred Sound and Sacred Art meet in unison to EXPAND CONSCIOUSNESS - NURTURE HEALING, PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH. Through the alchemy of sacred ceremony and ritual, sound, intention, and connection with the Sacred Oils and plant spirits, we enter an altered state of expanded vision, perception and understanding, to receive spiritual guidance, profound healing and divine inspiration.

This work is supported by Ancient Wisdom, Egyptian Shamanic Mysteries and Mythology, Myrrhophore tradition, Plant Consciousness and Plant Spirit Healing, Women Mysteries, Inner-Alchemy and Direct Revelation.

RECEIVE GUIDANCE FROM VERONICA: 1-1 Online/In-person Reading Sessions, Healing or Initiations - or

Groups: Events, Corporate, Ceremonies, Workshops, private, couples, parents & children, and work place sound healing events. CONTACT ME

Enter the ancient temple tradition of Sacred Oils & Sacred Smoke, Frankincense, Myrrh, Blue Lotus, Sound medicine and Sacred Art. Attune to your original unique frequency, align with your Soul Essence and embody your creative Divine Nature for the highest good of all.




Sound Baths, Sound Journeys & Ceremonies

Veronica is a certified Sound Healer, she creates bespoke sessions on a group basis for private clients, events, retreats, corporate, workshops.


Veronica Massa MIFPA, is a multidisciplinary intuitive healer and holistic therapist with 17 years of professional practice, combining clinical with traditional knowledge.

Sacred Oils Consultation for Guidance & Healing

1-1 online intuitive reading & spiritual guidance

In her Sacred Sound Ceremonies and healing sessions Veronica integrates the ancient Temple Tradition of Sacred Oils and Plant Spirit Healing, connecting to the spirit medicine and soul essence of plants, providing direct communication for inner healing work, self-knowledge, strong intuition and profound alignment.

Meet Veronica Nilah

Veronica Nilah is a Mystic Artist, Sound & Plant Spirit Healer/Ceremonialist and Mistress of the Sacred Oils.

Veronica is the founder of Sothis Temple, dedicated to supporting you in your healing and spiritual transformation journey, to be empowered by your inner knowing, restore your signature frequency and re-align with your true Soul Essence to reclaim who you are.

Veronica offers unique multisensory soundscape experiences bringing the healing power of sound, scent and art into ritual and ceremony.

A multidisciplinary intuitive healer with 17 years of professional practice, she adeptly combines elements of Alchemical and Sekhem energy healing, Sacred Oils & Plant Spirit Healing and Shamanism in her Sound Healing Journeys and individual sessions. Her work is supported by Ancient Wisdom, Egyptian Mysteries, Myrrhophore Tradition, Women Mysteries, Inner-Alchemy and Direct Revelation.

A Mistress of the Sacred Oils and Blue Lotus Priestess, Veronica offers rituals and initiatory ceremonies into the mystical Temple Tradition of Sacred Smoke, Sacred Oils & Egyptian Blue Lotus, guiding you to meet the Soul Essence of these Aromatic Master Teachers, Powerful Healers and Spiritual Allies. Learn more about Sacred Oils

Veronica is a spirit-led psychic artist. Her Sacred Art’s mystic images hold a spiritual presence, embodying the living essence of the subject she brings through. They can be powerful and healing to meditate upon and to create a sacred space.

What are Sacred Oils

Sacred Oils have a very ancient history that dates back to predynastic Egypt and biblical times. They are Rooted in ancient Egyptian Temple Mysteries and Tradition and highly regarded as sacred and healing aromatics by ancient cultures throughout the ages. The holy anointing with aromatic oils, a sacred and honorific practice of many cultures, is frequently mention in ancient texts.

Master Healers, Spiritual Tachers and Allies, Sacred Oils offer guidance for self-healing and divination through direct revelation. Healers of the light body, they grant healing gifts to the deepest levels of our soul, realigning with your true Soul Essence and expanding consciousness for the highest good of All. Sacred oils and ancient incense can be used ceremonially for sacred work in communion with the conscious intelligence of the plants, with Spirit and with your own Inner Wisdom, for spiritual development, self-mastery and esoteric knowledge. Frankincense Resin and Myrrh are used for purification, ceremony and healing.

What is Sacred Art

Sacred art holds the energy of its creation and can be powerful to meditate upon and to create a sacred space.

SACRED ART (Shamanic, automatic or psychic art) is Spirit led and is created through direct revelation, visions, journeys, dreams, meditation, channeling, psychic/automatic drawing. These mystic images hold a spiritual presence, can be powerful and healing, exuding mystery and wonder.
The images that are revealed hold the energy which created them and with which they were created. So they will benefit the observer to whom this vibrational frequencies will be transmitted. Some people meditate upon such images as they enhance connection and work with Spirit and inner work.

Veronica’s Sacred Art is spirit-led focused on the relationship between the human and the world of spirit. Embodied in her paintings is the living essence of the subject she brings through. Based in London, UK, Veronica is the creatrix of Sothis Temple, offering multisensory ceremonies where Sacred Art, Sacred Scents and Sacred Sound meet in unison to nourish the soul, nurture healing and spiritual growth.

What is Sacred Sound

Everything is frequency and in a state of vibration. All matter vibrates at specific frequencies, including our body, our organs and the cells in our body. We are in optimal health and wellbeing when we have a normal resonant frequency, but if that frequency begins to shift then that part of our body is vibrating out of ease, we say it is dis-eased. This is basically the principle of using sound as a transformational and healing tool: “Sound can change molecular structure” restoring that part of the body back into its healthy resonance to repair damaged tissue and cells within the body and reinstate the harmonious energetic, emotional and mental function. The impact of Sound on human cells has been extensively studied since the ’80 but we also know that the ancient Mystery schools held a deep knowledge of sound and vibrational medicine, using sonic energy for healing and to achieve altered states of consciousness.

A sound immersion bathes you in deep relaxation restoring self-alignment, synchronizing the brainwaves and facilitating the rehabilitation of your cells to normal vibratory frequency, or to resonance which is your original vibratory frequency.



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