Crystallized sun energy
Since the times of ancient Egypt, Frankincense was held in high esteem and it was known as “the substance being conducive to a divine state”. Aromatic fragrances and the divine in ancient Egypt where inextricably interconnected therefore sacred scent represented the very essence of the gods.
“Scents were believed to originate from the gods in the first place, to have sprung from their eyes or their bones, in particular the eye of the sun god Ra”, Lisa Manniche.
Green Hojari Sacra
The finest quality Frankincense in the world, Hojari Sacra (Boswellia sacra) is an ancient species of frankincense trees, regarded as the quintessential, the more precious and more spiritually significant than any other Frankincense. Boswellia sacra exclusively grows in the southern Dhofar region in the Sultanate of Oman, an area that has seen the trading of this valuable resin with the great civilazations of the distant past.
The history of the precious Omani resin of Boswellia sacra, can be traced back through ancient texts. It is said that this Frankincense (considered as valuable as gold) was the variety gifted by the Magi from the East.
Revered by the ancient Egyptians, incense was central to the worship of the deities of the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon and large quantities of Frankincense and Myrrh were burned every day in temples throughout Egypt. Olibanum,“the substance being conducive to a divine state” is documented in many hieroglyphic texts and it was listed as one of the seven sacred oils in temple rituals. Believed to help the soul of the decieved to find its way to the spiritual world, it was also found in the tomb of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun.
The sacred nature of Green Hojari makes it intrinsic to spiritual work. The scent exuded by the Hojari resin is opulent and mystical, carrying the mystery of sacred ancient temples within its essence.
Hojari frankincense resonate at a high vibrational frequency, and yet it grounds you deeply on Earth while connecting you to the Divine. It provides spiritual protection, purification and energetic transmutation, dissolving the illusion of separation between the physical and spiritual realms. Royal Hojari tears, large and of a green crystalline appearance, burn slowly releasing a smoke of extraordinarily uplifting sweetness. Centering and uplifting, it enhances focus, allertness and clarity.
The high esteem Frankincense is held in is attributed not only to its spiritual value but also to its therapeutic benefits. Medical research and clinical studies have recognized the benefits of Hojari Sacra resin and essential oil in the treatment of cancer and other medical conditions. Frankincense has been a vital part of the Omani culture for millennia, traditionally believed to “bring good health” and used as a remedy for a wide range of complaints.