Sacred Blue Lotus & Gold Elixir - Vibrational Tincture Elixir


Special Solar Eclipse/New Moon (8th April) batch - Limited quantity

Through the portal of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 25th of March and culminating in the revolutionary portal of the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse on the 8th of April, this sacred Blue Lotus vibrational tincture has been charged with potent energy frequencies, Monatomic Gold and Colloidal 24ct Gold.

Infused with the Soul essence of the Blue Lotus flower Spirit and its Neter (Kemetic -ancient Egyptian - deity) Nefertum, this sacrament and vibrational medicine, accompanies the herald of the dawn of a new collective dream, envisioned with divine consciousness, to enter the golden age with our beloved Mother Earth and bring heaven on earth and earth unto heaven.

Holding the principles of creation, the cycle of death, birth and life, transformation and transcendence, spiritual illumination and ascension, NeferAtum (Nefertum/Nefertem) and its earthly representation in the Blue Lotus Flower, are the essence of this special Solar Eclipse portal and cosmic codes.

The new moon also reawaken our soul calling and with the solar eclipse energies it activates the soul calling of humanity into our luminous essence, choosing responsible sovereignty upon the earth to elevate to Love divine frequency.

Interestingly the Solar Eclipse on the 8th of April was also at the symbolic time of Christ resurrection, guiding us into this awakening and overstanding. Into alchemical transmutation and transformation, like the Blue Lotus - like the Christ consciousness - to access ascension into the realisation of our multidimensional self.

Just like the Blue Lotus goes through a constant process of purification before its re-birth and ascension to the light, we too shall pay attention to this fundamental phase. On the DARK MOON before the New Moon, perform a purification ritual with fire or water. And on the NEW MOON consume this sacrament in inner contemplation. Set your intention. Stay present, rooted and withIN.


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Special Solar Eclipse/New Moon (8th April) batch - Limited quantity

Through the portal of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 25th of March and culminating in the revolutionary portal of the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse on the 8th of April, this sacred Blue Lotus vibrational tincture has been charged with potent energy frequencies, Monatomic Gold and Colloidal 24ct Gold.

Infused with the Soul essence of the Blue Lotus flower Spirit and its Neter (Kemetic -ancient Egyptian - deity) Nefertum, this sacrament and vibrational medicine, accompanies the herald of the dawn of a new collective dream, envisioned with divine consciousness, to enter the golden age with our beloved Mother Earth and bring heaven on earth and earth unto heaven.

Holding the principles of creation, the cycle of death, birth and life, transformation and transcendence, spiritual illumination and ascension, NeferAtum (Nefertum/Nefertem) and its earthly representation in the Blue Lotus Flower, are the essence of this special Solar Eclipse portal and cosmic codes.

The new moon also reawaken our soul calling and with the solar eclipse energies it activates the soul calling of humanity into our luminous essence, choosing responsible sovereignty upon the earth to elevate to Love divine frequency.

Interestingly the Solar Eclipse on the 8th of April was also at the symbolic time of Christ resurrection, guiding us into this awakening and overstanding. Into alchemical transmutation and transformation, like the Blue Lotus - like the Christ consciousness - to access ascension into the realisation of our multidimensional self.

Just like the Blue Lotus goes through a constant process of purification before its re-birth and ascension to the light, we too shall pay attention to this fundamental phase. On the DARK MOON before the New Moon, perform a purification ritual with fire or water. And on the NEW MOON consume this sacrament in inner contemplation. Set your intention. Stay present, rooted and withIN.


Special Solar Eclipse/New Moon (8th April) batch - Limited quantity

Through the portal of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 25th of March and culminating in the revolutionary portal of the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse on the 8th of April, this sacred Blue Lotus vibrational tincture has been charged with potent energy frequencies, Monatomic Gold and Colloidal 24ct Gold.

Infused with the Soul essence of the Blue Lotus flower Spirit and its Neter (Kemetic -ancient Egyptian - deity) Nefertum, this sacrament and vibrational medicine, accompanies the herald of the dawn of a new collective dream, envisioned with divine consciousness, to enter the golden age with our beloved Mother Earth and bring heaven on earth and earth unto heaven.

Holding the principles of creation, the cycle of death, birth and life, transformation and transcendence, spiritual illumination and ascension, NeferAtum (Nefertum/Nefertem) and its earthly representation in the Blue Lotus Flower, are the essence of this special Solar Eclipse portal and cosmic codes.

The new moon also reawaken our soul calling and with the solar eclipse energies it activates the soul calling of humanity into our luminous essence, choosing responsible sovereignty upon the earth to elevate to Love divine frequency.

Interestingly the Solar Eclipse on the 8th of April was also at the symbolic time of Christ resurrection, guiding us into this awakening and overstanding. Into alchemical transmutation and transformation, like the Blue Lotus - like the Christ consciousness - to access ascension into the realisation of our multidimensional self.

Just like the Blue Lotus goes through a constant process of purification before its re-birth and ascension to the light, we too shall pay attention to this fundamental phase. On the DARK MOON before the New Moon, perform a purification ritual with fire or water. And on the NEW MOON consume this sacrament in inner contemplation. Set your intention. Stay present, rooted and withIN.